about us

this is saya profile....
full name : dwi ratna ningsih
call name : dwi or ratna
date of birth : Samarinda, September 26th 1995
school : SMA 3 SMD
class : 10-3
facebook : my facebook
twitter :T_T

       saya suka makan cook's mom, rajin cari situs or blog luar negeri (fansclub, about world) tapi gak pernah ketemu...hehe. giat beribadah, hehehe (insyaf). trus hidup saya sederhana. sangat sederhana.... thx.

2nd profile, this is ...
full name : gusti mahmudah
call name : gusti or mudah
date of birth : Banjarbaru, February 27th 1996
school : SMA 3 SMD
class : X3
facebook : -F-B-
twitter : twitt